Thursday, 13 December 2018

India can only grow under statesman Modi & not Politician Modi.

About yesterday Election result

_*New York Times news.......  ...Few lessons from Indians’ voting patterns are clear*_.

- Indian public does not understand Fiscal deficit & are not bothered whether it is 2.4% or 3.4%. They do not understand that subsidies & Freebees mean borrowing & borrowing, have to be paid back one day by someone.

Indian public also not bothered about GDP rate,  it increasesed from 3.8 to 7.4 for the last four years which is more than USA, UK , japan.....

- Indian public will always complain. If it is not about price of Onions or Thur Dal, it will be about Petrol or Diesel. They must get everything cheap but at the same time Farmers must get good price

- Don't ask Indian public to change old habits. It is Govt's job to change everything

- Indian public is not bothered about fixing long term issues. They want it today. Not even today. NOW.

- Indian public has short memory & narrow vision. They forget & forgive pasts.

-they intextualy vote as per cast pattern.... Castisum is major enemy for Indian politics which divides indian youth from growth... And PaK and chine pramote castisum in India with help of there own native people because both directly depends on India for open market..GDP.....

Indian defence system is more stronger as compared to last five years and PaK and gulf countrys are not able to rule India...therefore they are funding billions to destroy Indian system and only Modi is fighting against them......but Indians don't know this..

If Mr. Modi continues fixing long term problems for remaining 5 months, he will loose 2019. A dead soldier can not do anything for country. He must live to comeback for next 5 years. Now he must become a politician for remaining 5 months. If Public wants cheap Petrol & Diesel give to them. If farmers want loan waiver, give it to them.

They don't know about sabka sath sabaka vikas

We advise Mr. Modi will be to apply for 5 month's leave from being statesman & become politician. After 2019 victory back to being statesman because

India can only grow under statesman Modi & not Politician Modi.

----By New York Times author

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