Thursday, 13 December 2018

those who vote and support the Congress party are actually acting as coolies and agents of Breaking India forces,

There is not even an iota of doubt - those who vote and support the Congress party are actually acting as coolies and agents of Breaking India forces, in most cases being ignorant of it.  Such is the grip of those forces on the country through Congress party - this is the reason why they hate Narendra Modi the most, because it is his rise that has put a temporary block to their otherwise smooth-going mission with Congress at their command.  Read this well written article by Sandeep Balakrishna.

"Rahul Gandhi met the ultra-fanatical veteran Maoist and advocate of armed war against the Indian state, Gummadi Vittal Rao or Gaddar. When even a new entrant like the TRS has to spurn the Congress thereby pushing Rahul Gandhi into the arms of someone like Gaddar, it shows just how close to extinction the Congress party has come.. 

The two-term Congress-led UPA Government was able to inflict this colossal damage on the country with relative ease.The NAC, an extra-constitutional collegium of extremist NGOs more powerful than the PM himself virtually began running the country...

Think about it. They have now directly recruited the chief of the Congress party by actually employing their resources to work towards his victory; and if not a victory, at least dashing Narendra Modi’s chances of reelection. Their goals are civilizational and therefore multi-generational. It is up to Hindus to decide what their goals should be..."

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CAA என்றால் திமுக க்கு தெரியாது

CAA என்றால் என்ன தி.மு.கவினருக்கு தெரிந்த ஒரே பதில் தெரியாது ? தலைமை முதல் தொண்டர்கள் வரை எதற்கு எதிர்க்கிறோம் தெரியாமல் போராடும் அவலம் ! தி...